You can check the balance of your Co-op gift card here on our website:
Help! It says “invalid” when I try to use my gift card!
If you have a balance on your gift card, your funds are still accessible! Gift cards purchased before 2018 have been assigned a new code.
If your gift card code begins with GSW, your new gift card code begins with the letter S followed by the last eight digits of your old gift card code:
Old Gift Card Number |
New Gift Card Number |
GSW201612345 |
S01612345 |
If your gift card code begins with G or a number, your new gift card code begins with the letter ‘G’ followed by the last eight digits of your old gift card code.
Old Gift Card Number |
New Gift Card # Number |
G1234567890 |
G34567890 |
G1005600307000000 |
G07000000 |
9865799566446813 |
G66446813 |
G0917494581 |
G17494581 |