The mortarboard is the typical 4-corner flat cap worn by undergraduates when graduating, although the custom doctoral cap is fitted and will feature a gold tassel. Mortarboards are covered in the same fabric as your gown, pricing is listed in the gown fabric guide above.
Velvet tams are more commonly worn by doctoral graduates – they are more comfortable and easier to wear. Tams are available in black or PhD blue velvet, and also 4, 6, or 8-corners. Typically, graduates choose the tam color to match the velvet color on their gowns. The most commonly worn style of tam is a 6-corner. The 8-corner is a little more ornate, while the 4-corner is simpler.
Corner Tam: $82.00 | 6-Corner Tam: $89.00 | 8-Corner Tam: $93.00